Custom system development
We also deal with the development of custom web-based systems according to the customer's needs. Our development team finds the solution for every individual need to make our customers' work easier. Our references include, for example, a medical appointment system, inventory software and the development of a corporate governance system.

Medical appointment system
- Touch screen interface
- Send a calendar invitation with your reservation
- Tracking examinations
- Checking the presence of employees
Inventory software
- Field work support
- QR code identification
- Traceability
- Smartphone applications (iOS, Android)

Corporate governance system
- Retail merchandise handling and sales
- Wholesale merchandise handling and sales
- Employee and working time records
- Digitization of your entire service process
Festival ticketing and admission system
- Sales statistics
- Banking transactions
- Check tickets
- Management of VIP entrants

If you are interested in our service please contact us.