Cleanroom monitoring system

A cleanroom is an operational or laboratory area where specialized air handling systems ensure a low particle concentration environment. These spaces are used in manufacturing and testing processes where airborne dust particles, aerosol particles, or gases could pose a problem. Cleanrooms often have strictly regulated temperature and humidity levels when precise reproducibility of activities requires it. The primary application areas of cleanroom technologies include the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, optics, food industry, medical device manufacturing, and hospital environments.

The EMS/CRMS system offered by Grüne Antwort is the ideal solution for cleanroom monitoring tasks.
EMS figure

Advantages of the Grüne Antwort EMS

  • Implementation from design to execution
  • Flexible and customizable user system
  • Custom report generation

EMS Design:

The first step is to compile the necessary documentation based on the URS (User Requirement Specification), summarizing the functional, hardware, and software requirements for the design. These documents form the basis for electrical plans and validation documentation.

EMS Preparation:

  • Consultations and collaborations with clients and customers
  • Selection of EMS system components, with particular focus on sustainable operation
  • Creation of topological plans

EMS Implementation:

  • Manufacturing and installation of automation or monitoring distribution cabinets
  • Installation of field devices (thermometers, pressure sensors, humidity sensors, particle counters)
  • Programming and commissioning of SIEMENS DDC and HMI devices
  • Integration and commissioning of SIEMENS DESIGO CC software
  • On-site coordination and consultations

EMS Validation Process:

  • Preparation of validation documentation (e.g., SP, SDS, HD, IQP etc.)
  • On-site inspection of EMS system components (automation, sensors etc.)
  • Verification of visualization elements (Desigo CC and HMI) for views and functionalities
Clean room

If you are interested in our service please contact us.

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