IRMA – Intelligent Real-time Maintenance Assistant
Our company's unique software product is IRMA (Intelligent Real-Time Maintenance Assistant), which greatly helps in device management. Be it any equipment maintenance, IRMA is guaranteed to make the job easier. It is also possible to access it in the form of a mobile application, so all the information about the given device can be easily accessed with the help of a QR code. Be it a maintenance planner, resource management, cycle time setting, or traceable device history.
Unique design

- Maintenance planner
- Automatic cycle time monitoring
- Resource management
- Predictive maintenance
- Maintenance entries
- Clear identification
- Visual and location identification
- Real-time traceability
- On-site navigation

Unique design
- Customizable forms
- Qr code identification
- Information storage
- Device based resolution
- Mobilapp (Android, iOS)
- Platform compatibility
- Multi-user accessibility
- Offline mode

If you are interested in our product please contact us.