PMS – Power Monitoring System
Electric sub-meters from Grüne Antwort! What are we offering?
MID licenced SIEMENS sub-meters that we install upon request with a uniquely developed, user-friendly software that offers effective and smart solutions. But there's even more! Using our devices with our PMS - Data Collector system, you may be able to reduce your energy consumption!

We designed our newest product by putting the reduction of electricity usage in the forefront. With our Power Monitoring System, electric sub-meters can be monitored constantly, and the consumption can be controlled. The interactive and completely customizable user interface can not only create and store the mandatory system reports but also monitor the contracted power capacity. Setting alerts makes it easy to control the consumption of electric meters!

- Maintenance planner
- Automatic cycle time monitoring
- Resource management
- Predictive maintenance
- Maintenance entries
- Clear identification
- Visual and location identification
- Real-time traceability
- On-site navigation

Let’s reduce the amount of energy consumption together! Use the opportunities provided by peak shaving: reduce your costs and keep an eye on your contracted power capacity!
Order our PMS data collector now, for only 90€/sub-meter!
If you are interested in our product please contact us.