
BMS- Building Management System
Custom software that allows most standard mechanical systems to be accessed and monitored remotely.
#SmartSolutions #BMS #DigitalTwins #Industry4.0
Standard Siemens Building Automation
The DESIGO and the Albatros2 product families marketed by Siemens for monitoring new or refurbished mechanical systems.
#Siemens #Desigo #DesigoTotalRoomAutomation #Albatros2
IRMA – Intelligent Real-time Maintenance Assistant
Custom software for overseeing the maintenance of mechanical components.
Electric car chargers
Our easy-to-integrate car chargers are the perfect solution for corporate, residential and public use.
#Wi-fi #ElectricCar #Application #RFID

PMS – Power Monitoring System
A custom-made system which allows the costumer to oversee the energy consumption of every electric sub-meter, keeping values within range by setting custom alerts.
#datacollector #peakshaving #consumptionreduction #quickinvestmentreturn #sub-metering

Electrical sub-metering
Implementation of sub-meter installation obligation (MEKH decree).
#SubMeter #MEKHdecree #SubMeterObligation #Specialist
Peak Shaving
Supervision and regulation of electricity consumption in mechanical systems.
#PeakShaving #EnergyOptimization #Efficiency #Electricity
3D survey of buildings by drone
Making spatial models of buildings, factories and plants using DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone.
#Dron #DigitalTwin #3Dmodel #ThermalImager
Electrical switch cabinet manufacturing
Design, manufacture and installation of automatic control and switch cabinets based on individual customer needs, even in small quantities up to 0.4 kV.
#SwitchCabinet #Automation #Manufacturing #Design

Electrical installation
Electrical installation of mechanical systems and electrical switch cabinets.
#NationwideAvailability #ElectricalTrailConstruction #WeekCurrentSystem #ElectricalCarChargers
Custom system development
Development of custom web-based systems according to customer needs.
#CustomSoftware #WebBased #SystemDevelopment #UserFriendly
The main profile of Grüne Antwort Ltd. is system integration in the industrial field, the development and implementation of individual building automation and building monitoring systems. We believe that good work lies in creative individual solutions and personalized workmanship. We shape our systems according to the needs of our customers and design them accordingly. We aim to operate the system as cost-effectively as possible and to minimize emission.